Are peanuts bad for you? Some people may believe that peanuts are bad for you because nuts are supposedly high in fat and calories. However, the peanut is actually a legume like a lentil and is packed full of protein and fiber. According to the Reference Daily Intake, a serving of peanuts can provide 15% of a person’s daily protein intake. Furthermore, just one ounce of raw peanuts contains 7.3 grams of protein and 2.4 grams of fiber. When compared with the benefits of protein and fiber, peanut calories are minimal.
The National Peanut Board reports that scientific evidence points to the possibility that when people eat 1.5 ounces of many different types of nuts, which includes peanuts, this may reduce their risk of developing heart disease. This is, however, in conjunction with a diet low in saturated fats and cholesterol. Both peanuts and peanut butter are believed to be part of a “heart healthy lifestyle” due to their nutritional value. The cholesterol in peanuts is the good cholesterol, which is an added benefit.
Since fiber also plays a role in regulating cholesterol, eating fiber-rich foods such as peanuts can potentially reduce the risk of someone having a stroke, according to the National Peanut Board. When researchers analyzed eight studies, they discovered that there was a reduced risk of stroke associated with consuming just seven grams of fiber a day.
Obesity is also a risk factor for stroke. The National Peanut Board states that eating more fiber can assist people with attaining and maintaining a healthy weight. This is because fiber adds bulk and provides a feeling of fulness which can potentially prevent people from over-eating.
Many people may also ask the question, “Are peanuts bad for you?” because they know someone that has a peanut allergy or they themselves know or believe they are allergic to peanuts. The National Peanut Board indicates that over 99% of the population can eat peanuts without an issue. In the United States, approximately 0.6% of the population has been determined to have a peanut allergy. If someone does believe they or their children have a peanut allergy, it’s important to seek professional treatment for this.
Are peanuts bad for you? The response to this question might depend on how many peanuts someone consumes within a day, as a balanced diet is considered to be important. When someone is actually within that small percentage of people that have an allergy to peanuts, the response would be more obvious. Since peanuts do have nutritional value and research suggests that the fiber contained in peanuts may contribute to lowering the risk for both heart disease and stroke, it appears that there are benefits of eating peanuts. Given this, it’s not surprising that 90% of households in the United States enjoy eating peanut butter.