Eating a frozen dessert is something that many people enjoy throughout the course of the typical year. After all, frozen desserts are highly delicious – and even come in many different varieties, meaning that there is at least one out there for just about anyone. For many people, the frozen dessert of choice is ice cream.
After all, ice cream popularity is immense all throughout the United States, with the average person living in this country consuming ice cream around 28 times – if not even more – throughout the course of just one single year. Because of the high demand for ice cream that can be seen so prevalently, up to one and a half billion gallons of the stuff will be produced throughout this same span of time. This great supply allows for the more than 85% of all American households to continue their habits, indulging in some sort of frozen treat on a regular basis.
The classic flavors have largely remained the most popular, though there are now a great array of flavors produced, some what you might expect and some far outside of that range. Vanilla still reigns king, however, with up to one third of all ice cream sales made for vanilla ice cream. This doesn’t mean chocolate has fallen far in the ranks, however, as chocolate ice cream still makes up very nearly one fifth of all ice cream sold throughout the country.
If you’re looking for something even more decadent, try out some gelato. Gelato cups can be obtained in more and more locations all throughout the United States and gelato cups provide an ice cream alternative that is still very delicious. In fact, gelato cups can be considered to be even more rich than ice cream cups, given the fact that while ice cream includes about 50% churned air, gelato cups of any kind will include only around 25% to 30% churned air at the very most. But gelato cups are also a bit healthier for you that ice cream cups will be, given their content of milk fat. The content for ice cream is very high, but for gelato cups can be as low as around 3% – and it’s very uncommon for gelato cups to have a milk fat percentage anywhere above 8%.
In addition to gelato cups, there are a number of other ice cream alternatives that one might pursue. For one thing, frozen yogurt has long been a staple in its own right here in the United States. It’s ideal, of course, from a dieting perspective – but it’s also ideal from a taste perspective as well. In many stores throughout the country, frozen yogurt can be topped as you see fit, as most frozen yogurt shops will have a toppings bar that can be utilized by any customer. For this reason and others, there were already more than 2,500 frozen yogurt shops by the time that we had reached the year of 2013. In the years that have transpired since, this number has only likely grown and grown.
And from gelato cups to to go cups for frozen yogurt to disposable ice cream cups, ice cream and other frozen desserts are enjoyed truly all throughout the year. After all, the data on the subject backs this up, showing that up to 40% of all people in the United States will eat ice cream at least once every two weeks or so. But, as you might expect, it’s during the summer months that ice cream will be most heavily consumed. In fact, the month of June marks the highest period of ice cream consumption seen throughout the year in its entirety – as well as the highest period of ice cream production, for that matter.
There is no denying the fact that ice cream is a hugely popular dessert, one that is beloved in alltt of their lives. For instance, gelato cups are more well loved than ever, as too is frozen yogurt. At the end of the day, all types of frozen dessert certainly have their place. Having a wide array of options only makes the consumption of these frozen treats all the higher.