Taking care of your employees well significantly contributes to your business’ success. When your employees are healthy, happy they will be in good physical and mental shape. One of the wellness initiatives is installing a water dispenser in your office. Dehydration causes psychological disorders and affects mental performance. Well situated dispensers ensure your employees are well dehydrated to remain productive throughout the day.
Enhances productivity
Dehydration is associated with reduced cognition. Even mild dehydration can lead to slump, especially in the afternoons. Loss of water suppresses blood flow into the brain. As a result, reaction time, attention, and cognitive performance reduces significantly. Installing office water dispensers help to offer fresh, clean, and palatable water. Clean and well tasting dispenser water will keep your employees focused and ready to work.
Reduces Workplaces Sickness
A significant number of gastrointestinal illnesses are related to water. Contaminated water can transmit diseases such cholera, dysentery, typhoid, and polio. Stomach bugs and other illness can reduce productivity at your business. Similarly, massive workloads that workers get after sick leaves can be overwhelming. With water, dispenser employees will have access to clean water right in the office which can go a long way to prevent gastrointestinal illness. Office water dispenser provides safe filtered water and eliminates bacteria and harmful organisms. These ensure your employees are healthy and focused.
Water is essential for concentration. Dehydration causes headaches, concentration, and fatigue. Keeping your workforce hydrated helps them to cope with stressful situations. Drinking water regularly enhances motivation and performance by boosting the body and mind.
Socializing and Engaging
The office water dispenser provides a great place for employees to gather and decompress. Your employees can take a short break to chat as they take a glass of water. Engaging with each other boosts productivity and morale. This gathering enhances workplace culture and collaboration with employees from different departments. The water breaks may also cement camaraderie as employees discover shared hobbies and interests over water breaks.
Employees’ wellness impacts happiness and longevity. Therefore, it is an investment you should be very concerned about. Installing countertops water dispenser is great way to improve your employees’ wellbeing. It also enhances their health and productivity.
Cool and Delicious Water
The water dispenser provides your staff with delicious chilled water throughout the day. The water dispenser can also serve as a constant reminder for employees to hydrate. When an employee drinks enough water, they will find it easier to concentrate. If you want to upscale performance, you will want to purchase a water dispenser.
By providing employees with enough drinking water, it will help to reduce consumption of sugary drinks. This impacts their health positively. Cool and palatable water will boost your staff’s focus and health and ultimately make them stay more alert.
Boost Business Image
A commercial water dispenser is a great way to give your business a sustainability image. This equipment does not generate any waste. Bottle-fed dispensers allow you to refill the bottles. Main fed type do not require bottles. Either way, there are options to promote green environment by reducing waste.
Easy Maintenance
Maintaining countertops water coolers in pristine condition is pretty much easy. Commercial water cooler suppliers help with color sanitizing. When choosing an office water dispenser, you should consider the following important factors.
1. Space
You should decide where you need to place your hot and cold water cooler. This will help you determine how much space is available for dispenser storage. The water dispenser should be located in an area that is easy to access without disrupting your colleagues. If you are going to buy bottled water dispenser, you should have enough space for used and new bottles.
2. Number of employees
If you have a small staff size, a small dispenser model will work just fine. A large office requires plumbed in dispenser or free-standing one.
Another important consideration is your budget. The choice of office water dispenser will be determined by how much you want to spend and the cooler style. Lastly, the required water temperature also affects your choice of dispenser.
The water dispenser also keeps customers and clients refreshed. This means that they can relaxed and stay longer. In some areas, providing water is more of legal requirement.