Choosing the best dessert wines to go with your pies, cakes, pastries, is an art in itself. The rule is that sweet wines pair best with dessert. However, if you want less sugar, you can serve dry sparkling wines, white, or rose, because they are lighter wines not heavy. Two wines that are produced as dry sweet wine are Muscat and Malvasia. You can buy them dry or sweet. They go well with desserts. There are many different sparkling dessert wines, raisin wines, and fortified wines to choose from.
Choosing wines for custom home wine cellars or a DIY wine room involves choosing a wine dealer or package store that specializes in wine. They can recommend new types of wines and types that go with different types of food. A modern wine cellar might have a special custom made wine fridge or cooler. A custom wine cellar cost ranges from $15,000 to over $100,000 in price.
With dessert wines, you do not have to use sweet wines only. Good choices are Reisling, Pinot Noir, Cabernet, Merlot, Syrah, sherry, and champagne. Purchasing a custom made wine fridge is a good way to start out in the wine hobby. You can chill and store a variety of wines in your basement or dining room.

Wine is one of the most popular beverages in the world. According to statistics from Wine Institute, 23.6 billion gallons of wine are consumed every year across the world. In France and Italy, two of the world’s leading consumers of wine, the average person consumes 12 and 10 gallons of wine, respectively, every year. Consider, as statistics from the Brazilian Association of Citrus Exporters show, France drinks triple the amount of wine in one year as the United States, the number one consumer of citrus products, drinks in orange juice.
Clearly, wine is a huge business. The French wine industry alone, according to The Connexion, is worth more than €6.33 billion! With billions of gallons consumed every year of endless varieties of the nectar of the gods, it can be extremely difficult to decide what the best wines are. Are the best wines the AOC’s from Chablis or Montrachet? Are the best wines France’s famous Burgundy wines? Whatever your flavor and whatever your preferred country of origin, here are four ways to find the best wines.
- Put Down the Jug
According to The Wall Street Journal, whether you’re buying selections from Champagne France or the Rhone Valley, the easiest way to find the best wines is by choosing a smaller bottle. The reasoning behind this is simple enough: wine that comes in gallon jugs is generally of the mass-produced variety. Mass-produced, by and large, means lower quality.
- Know Your Tastes and Ask Questions
Food and Wine Magazine suggests all wine fans looking for the best wines simply ask local experts about their recommendations for certain types of wine. For example, do you prefer full flavored wines served at room temperature? Using those criteria, your local wine stores can help you narrow down the choices to a selection you’re sure to enjoy.
- The Wonders of Modern Technology
While the vast majority of applications written for smartphones and tablets are used for social interaction and playing games, a few great apps for finding the best wines have been released for both iOS and Android devices. For example, Swirl Pro, currently enjoying a four-star rating on the Google Play store, allows users to easily search for meal pairings, prices, and more. If you find yourself in the wine store with no idea what to buy, these applications can be extremely useful.
- Know What Taste Scores Actually Mean
As Wine Spectator suggests, many of the scores you see at your local wine store for different bottles of wine are artificially inflated or deflated to keep the range of ratings even. What this means is that a wine that would have otherwise received a 90 or higher will be given an 88. Subsequently, the source recommends adding three points to any score under 90 and subtracting two from anything over 90. In effect, you’ll get the scores more towards what they really are, making the best wines easier to choose.
With literally billions of gallons of wine just waiting to be consumed, knowing which are the best wines and which are better passed by can be tricky. Follow these four tips to make sure you choose only the best wines, whether you’re planning a dinner party or stocking the cellar. See more.