For anyone who does not know the Italian word for ice cream, it is gelato. The finished product is more dense than typical ice cream, however. It begins with a custard base similar to ice cream but it then takes a larger portion of milk with a lower portion of cream. It requires less number of eggs than ice cream and is churned slowly, more slowly than ice cream, which incorporates less air; hence, gelato’s dense quality. This dessert product contains only 3% to 8% milkfat and its air content is 25% to 30%. On the other hand, when the ice cream churning process is completed, the dessert itself will contain at least 50% air.
It is a fact that 90% of American individuals and families will very often eat some form of ice cream product, including frozen yogurt and gelato. Gelato spoons are commonly used when consuming these desserts, which enhance its flavor experience. Gelato spoons are unique and generally smaller than a teaspoon. They come in a wide variety of materials and a never ending array of colors. They are typically manufactured in plastic or wood, and are often different, fun shapes. Some are made with arched handles and some come with a long handle, similar to an iced tea spoon. Others can be paddle shaped or square, oval or round. Colors range from rainbow to opaque to clear. An ice cream or frozen yogurt shop buying their frozen dessert and frozen yogurt supplies will buy their supplies, such as gelato spoons, ice cream cups, frozen yogurt cups, and containers, in bulk which is more cost effective for their business.
Although most people, when purchasing gelato spoons or dessert spoons, will opt for the budget friendly, disposable, wood or plastic type of product, gelato spoons can also be found in stainless steel. Constructed of stainless steel and finished with a polished steel, they are designed to use again and again. The ends of these spoons are blunt and flat which makes for very easy scooping. Stainless steel frozen dessert and gelato spoons are not usually dishwasher safe and are a perfect gift for the gelato enthusiast because they can be used over and over again. Some customers will go for the patterned spoons that contribute to a beautiful place setting for special occasions, such as weddings or anniversary celebrations. Many of these spoons will even have fork tines which contribute to longer lasting use.
The tasting spoon is smaller than the typical gelato, frozen yogurt, or dessert spoon. It is fashioned at this small size in order to provide smaller bites for the user so that he or she is able to savor the flavor without hurrying. The size of the tasting spoon is less than a medium weight spoon. Regardless of its small size, however, the tasting spoon is made of extremely durable material, enabling it to lift even as much as a mouthful of gelato or ice cream. These spoons can be as simple or as decorative as the customer wants them to be. They, as do gelato spoons, come in a wide variety of colors and shapes, and they can also be found beautifully enhanced with rhinestones or colored beading. These spoons will add an element of fun to dessert time at any party.
The production of ice cream products typically hits its peak each year around the month of June. Summer is obviously known as the most prevalent ice cream eating season. According to studies, the production of frozen desserts and snacks begins to increase during the months of March and April in anticipation of the warmer months ahead. The month of June holds the record for the highest production of ice cream, but it does continue throughout the remainder of the summer months, July and August.
There are a wide array of gelato and frozen dessert products that are available for purchase from many venues. A quick online search will produce any number of ice cream shop supplies, as well as all types of dessert supplies from containers, to cups, to spoons and ice cream party supplies. Most suppliers will offer special deals at certain times, whether it be a two for one sale, or free shipping on certain products.