Whether they drink it hot or cold, coffee is a favorite beverage throughout the United States. While many Americans will have several cups of coffee every day, recent statistics show that the average person will drink 1.64 cups. About 30% of Americans just drink coffee once in a while, however. When it comes to how they take their coffee, 35% of Americans prefer it black, while 65% like to add a bit of sugar and/or cream.
It’s not unusual for many people to enjoy drinking this beverage throughout the day, especially when they can pick up coffee cups with lids on their way to work or while out shopping. While 65% of coffee drinkers will have a cup with their breakfast, 30% enjoy a cup between meals. The remaining 5% of coffee drinking occurs with brunch, lunch, dinner, and dessert.
Speciality coffees, in particular, are in high-demand by American consumers. These types of coffees fill approximately 37% of the cups purchased in the United States. Arabica and Robusta are the most common in the specialty coffee industry, and these coffees are considered to be the highest quality available throughout the world.
When it comes to specialty coffee drinks, half of the United States’ population enjoys having them hot with espressos, cappuccinos, and lattes. The cold or iced versions of these and other beverages are also a popular choice. Even though most of the coffee sold at independent coffee shops is brewed, espresso-based drinks comprise 31% of the sales at these establishments.
When Americans go out for coffee, many choose, their schedules allowing, to just sit, relax, and enjoy their drink. During a busy day, however, they get their coffees to-go in coffee cups with lids. Whether they’re enjoying their coffee at a cafe or taking it to-go in coffee cups with lids, an average of 9 ounces of coffee tends to fill these coffee cups.
A recent study has some excellent news for coffee drinkers. The results of this study showed that when people drink 3 to 5 cups of coffee every day, it can assist with preventing the common cognitive decline that is associated with aging. Furthermore, the study also showed that there was a 65% decrease in the possibility of developing different types of dementia, such as Alzheimer’s disease.
Since drinking coffee has been shown to have positive health benefits, chances are that those occasional coffee drinkers may begin drinking this beverage more regularly. Furthermore, since there are quite a few ways to enjoy coffee, such as hot or iced, with or without espresso, there are new coffee-drinking experiences to explore.