At the end of 2013, there were an estimated 2,582 frozen yogurt stores. This figure demonstrates the growing number of ways to eat frozen desserts. Whether at a store or in the comfort of your own home, ice cream and frozen yogurt are incredibly popular vices to feed your sweet tooth.
As the frozen dessert industry reinvigorates the dessert experience, customers find new brands and products to facilitate their indulgences. Consumers are filling their dessert cups with the largest variety of flavors of ice cream and frozen yogurt that has ever been available. The dilemma that follows is how to ensure that you’re getting the most out of your dessert. Roughly 90% of U.S. households regularly indulge in a sweet, frozen treat and vanilla still reigns as the most popular flavor for consumers at 28% according to the International Ice Cream Association.
For those who are interested in expanding upon their taste for vanilla, some of the best ways to do that are through creativity at home. Aside from the availability of premium frozen dessert at retail stores, there isn’t much room to experiment when accessories and vehicles for your frozen, sweet treats are predetermined.
At home, there are no rules. You are able to mix flavors, add as many additional toppings for no extra charge, and creatively distribute the frozen desserts in whichever method you choose. Of course, frozen desserts are best eaten with company, so an ice cream party is always a fun way to experiment with the frozen treats.
The essential ice cream party supplies include cones, ice cream or frozen yogurt, candy, bowls, utensils, or even cups to drink milkshakes from. These supplies are best suggested in an ice cream buffet to provide the ultimate number of options for the perfect dessert cup for the guests.
Frozen desserts are plentiful in the United States. It is difficult to turn your head without seeing a new frozen yogurt store! And although these stores provide endless choices for flavors and toppings now, occasionally it is exciting, as a consumer, to experiment with other aspects of the sweet treats. The optimization of these dessert cups include the experimentation with colors of supplies methods of delivery to the consumer, like a buffet, or the supplies themselves. Of course, if you’re feeling really experimental, there’s always gelato!