According to research conducted by NPD group, 40% of Americans will eat ice cream within in a two week period. It’s basically an America past time to head out to the local ice cream shop and treat yourself. There is just something about ice cream that never fails to brighten up the day. While we collectively all love these dessert cups, or cones, there are a few ice cream accessories that are worth considering as well.
Ice Cream Tasting Spoons
If you’ve ever been to a shop that specially sells ice cream, you may have noticed the small plastic spoons they have. These spoons are specifically designed to be used for tasting and sampling, insuring that you get the perfect amount. Due to their smaller size, you can also use them for smaller cups of ice cream, frozen yogurt, and gelato. As opposed to using a bigger spoons, these are perfect for smaller and kid sized dessert cups. (An interesting tip to keep in mind is, when eating ice cream, flip the spoon so that the ice cream lands on your tongue, as opposed to the plastic or metal. This allows your tastebuds to directly contact the sweetness of the dessert, and not the cold spoon, making the flavor slightly more bold.)
Getting a Milkshake? Try a Paper Straw!
Paper or plastic is usually a question you have to answer when you’re checking out at the local grocer. But, think about how often you use plastic straws? Whether you’re grabbing an iced coffee or a soda while out and about, you usually don’t give a second though to the utensil you’re using. However, many of the plastic straws we use will unfortunately find their way into the environment, most notably the ocean via offshore garbage dumping, and can harm the wildlife. It’s speculated that by the year 2050 that plastic garbage in the oceans will outweigh the fish, this not only pollutes the natural beauty of the ocean, but harms the creatures that call it home. Eco-friendly paper drinking straws are an easy solution to this problem. They are specially designed to be biodegradable, and serve as a guilt free way to enjoy a beverage or creamy milkshake.
Additionally, if your favourite location doesn’t offer paper straws, consider reaching out and seeing about getting them available. You can also invest in getting them for your own home or business. The more the word gets out, the bigger the impact we can make becomes.
Disposable Ice Cream Cups?
With paper straws in mind, you may also want to consider paper ice cream cups. While we are most familiar with little plastic dessert cups, consider opting for a paper option the next time you head out for a cold treat. As stated above, removing as much plastic as we can is so important. While it may not seem like it, little changes in out daily selections can have a huge impact. Once again, if the ice cream place you frequent doesn’t offer this option, consider speaking with them about the benefits.
Americans love ice cream. Whether it conjures up images of classic old style ice cream parlors, or favourite outings with your friends or loved ones, we can’t say no to a cold icy treat. However, there are a few simple changes we can make in the way we go about consuming out favorite flavors that can help make a positive impact in the environment around us. Keep in mind the benefits of using paper dessert cups and straws the next time you head to your favorite ice cream shop. Little changes can go a long way.