It happens right after New Year’s, right before summer starts, and a week or two after the kids are back in school: that nagging feeling that a few pounds have snuck back onto your body.
The difficulty is getting those pounds off and then keeping them off. But the problem under the difficulty is how hard we work. After putting in a tough day, commuting, putting up with stuff in the workplace…we need a little comfort food to give us a reward for all that we have been through that day.
If you like dessert as a comfort food at any time of day, try some low fat cake recipes as part of your healthy desserts initiative. Low fat cake recipes can be an important part of a healthy meal, one that packs in healthy pasta dishes, for instance, along with items from the healthy food list you keep on the fridge to help you build your shopping list.
Experts say that discipline is the base ingredient for losing weight and adopting a healthy eating regimen. Part of that discipline comes in the form of self discovery when you make a complete list of all you eat every day. That list helps you discover where you need to make changes in your diet. Now you are ready to plan meals using fat free recipes, low fat dinner recipes and filling in between meals with low fat snacks.
Back to cake. Low fat cake recipes are everywhere. You can find them on the internet, of course, in the mailers from supermarkets, and in almost any family or women’s magazine. Make a file of your low fat cake recipes and keep it prominent in the kitchen, where you can dive into it whenever a cake mood hits you. Some of the best low fat cake recipes are a bit older and more timeworn. You can find these in your local library, or scour book sales and garage sales for low fat cake recipes books to discover some gems.
We deserve cake. We need it. With low fat cake recipes, we can have cake and not feel so guilty eating it.