Are you interested in organic micro greens? If you watch any culinary shows, such as MasterChef or Top Chef you’ve probably seen several dishes that include organic micro greens. Organic micro greens are the latest big thing to hit the culinary scene — with good reason.
Organic micro greens are leefy vegetables such as spinach, cabbage, and kale, that are harvested right after the first set of “true leaves” appear. True leaf microgreens are becoming wildly popular due to their power-packed vitamin and mineral content, and their elevated flavor.
Many home chef’s believe that the primary purpose of microgreens is to garnish a fancy plate. While microgreens do add to the appearance of a dish, if that’s all you use your microgreens for, you are missing out on a huge opportunity. If you aren’t sure how to begin to dip your foot in the pool of microgreens, don’t fret. We’ve put together a guide to everything you need to know about microgreens, from how to get your hands on them, to using microgreens in the kitchen, below.
Everything You Need to Know About Using Micro Greens
How to Get Your Hands on Organic Micro Greens
If you have the slightest glimmer of a green thumb, and a little bit of luck, growing your own microgreens isn’t terribly hard. The growing methods for each micro green really depends on the full-grown vegetable you plant. We don’t have enough space to cover that here.
If growing your own microgreens isn’t your thing, don’t despair. Micro green growers are available in full-effect. You could start by visiting one of the “nice” grocery stores in your area. Otherwise, search for local microgreen growers on the internet. If your microgreen ambitions only include garnish, and not eating, you might have luck locating some with a florist.
Keep in mind, if you are going to be eating the microgreens, that it’s important to make sure the microgreens you choose are labeled “organic,” since microgreens can be sold for decorative purposes and are not always safe to consume.
Trimming and Cleaning
Because microgreens are so small and delicate, you want to handle them as little as possible before serving. Always use a sharp knife while trimming, so that the greens can be cut in one, swift slice. The more you have to wrangle them, the more likely they will be damaged and wilt.
You want to clean your microgreens before eating, but you must be very careful doing so. If the water pressure is too high, it can damage the delicate cells in the microgreens. If the water is too hot or too cold, it could also ruin the structure of the leaves.
To clean your microgreens, you should cover a tray with paper towels and set it immediately next to your rinsing station. Run the water and check that it is as close to room temperature as you can. Working quickly, give each stem a quick rinse under the water, and then spread them out on the paper towel, not touching. Following this method, your microgreens will be fresh and ready to serve without wilting them.
Storing Microgreens
The best case scenerio, your microgreens are best straight off the stem. However, in real life, that’s not always feasible. If you must store your microgreens, doing it right will prolong their lifespan. Place your microgreens on a damp paper towel in a sealed container, such as a zipper plastic bag. If it has moisture in a sealed container, you’ll be able to store it in the refrigerator for about a week.
When you’re ready to use your microgreens, make sure to keep them in their mini home all the way until you’re ready to put them on a plate and serve them. The less time they’re exposed to air, the less likely they are to dry out or wilt.
Using Your Microgreens
The uses of microgreens in the kitchen are only limited to the boundaries of your imagination. Microgreens are used to make a humdrum dish, such as potato salad, fancier. Microgreens make beautiful and delicious salads for the first course of a meal. Microgreens are delicious in soup (add right before serving to prevent them from coming soggy and wilted microgreens). You can even use microgreens on cakes!