There are almost five million acres of organic farms in the US. Did you know that the organic food industry is producing jobs at four times the average of the other US industries? Organic foods are produced using organic methods and do not use chemical fertilizers or synthetic pesticides during production. Organic cereal is quickly becoming a popular choice for parents who want to ensure that their children are getting healthy cereal. Cereal marks the beginning of the day and should be a nutritious and healthy choice.
Gluten free cereal is also a healthy cereal choice for many people. Owing to the changes in grain raising and production over the past few decades, gluten intolerance has risen to new heights in the US, and about three million Americans have celiac disease. Some people do not have the disease but are sensitive to gluten products. Many gluten free options now exist for people to choose from, and it is important to choose products from companies that make a point of labeling their products gluten free. Luckily it is no longer just a small range of bland tasting products. Many gluten free options are quite delicious.
Another form of healthy cereal is whole grain cereal. What are the benefits of whole grains? Many studies show that consuming whole grains, rather than refined grains, lowers the risk of many types of chronic diseases. It can help with everything from cancer, diabetes, and heart disease prevention to aiding gastrointestinal health. Whole grains often have antioxidants that are not found in fruits or vegetables.
High fiber cereal is one last example of a healthy cereal choice. Fiber is a type of bulk or roughage that your body cannot absorb. Instead, it passes through and out of your body. High fiber foods help to maintain bowel health, normalize bowel movements, lowers cholesterol levels, helps control blood sugar levels, and also aids in achieving healthy weight management.