It seems as though the national news media announces a different and serious outbreak of food borne illness every month. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, E. Coli and salmonella account for around 76 million instance of food borne illness, each year. The Economic Research Service of the USDA estimates that it costs approximately 478 million dollars each year to treat victims of E. Coli bacteria. To bring this problem further into focus, out of every six Americans, one can expect to experience a food borne illness every year. To help alleviate and reduce these numbers, U.S. citizens, or people who handle food on a daily basis, would benefit from a food and hygiene course.
A food and hygiene course can teach course attendees about handling food properly, food and sanitation, and restaurant food safety. They can also dispel commonly held, but false, beliefs such as the ability of microwaves to kill bacteria in food; they do not. A food safety course will also show that cured meats like bacon can remain pink even when cooked to a safe temperature. This can make it difficult to know how to cook bacon properly.
Most restaurants, supermarkets, delis, and other businesses whose employees handle food daily require that their employees take a food and hygiene course prior to beginning their position. Most often, the employer will provide or pay for the food and hygiene course. Also, a food and hygiene course will often take place at a new employees place of employment. A food handling certificate may also be awarded to each employee to prove they taken an appropriately thorough food and hygiene course.