There’s a good chance that you enjoy drinking quality craft beer. Whether you do so on occasion or on a regular basis, you may be interested in the results of a few studies. While 14% of Americans just drink beer once a week, others may have a beer once a day. And yes, still others may indulge their love of beer even more often.
According to a study published in 2001 by the National Institutes of Health, moderate drinkers, which are those individuals that just have one drink a day, were more likely to exercise than people that didn’t drink at all. It’s interesting to note that the one-drink-a-day individuals were actually twice as likely to exercise than their non-drinking counterparts.
Furthermore, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention indicated that just 21.7% of adults within this country aren’t exercising enough. In other words, they’re not engaging in the amount of aerobic and muscle-strengthening exercise that is recommended by a variety of health and wellness professionals. After a good workout, it’s likely that many beer drinkers will cool down with their favorite beverage: craft beer.
Since you’re interested in learning more about beer, were you aware that small and independent craft brewers constitute 12% of the overall beer industry’s market share? While this may not seem like a large percentage, it is significant. There’s a good chance that you live in an area with a few craft brewers or has local pubs that promote craft beer. In addition to being good for tourism, it’s nice to be able to stay in the neighborhood when you go out for a beer or two.
Did you know that in 2015, 85% of the beer people drank was produced here in the United States? During the same year, adults 21 and older actually consumed 27.5 gallons of beer and cider. A 2016 Gallup poll also revealed that more legal-aged drinkers prefer beer than either wine or spirits. It’s also interesting that 84% of craft beer drinkers will decide which beer to drink based on the season. This is because craft breweries tend to release something special for each season.
Whether you want to treat yourself, or are searching for the best gifts for beer lovers, there are quite a few unique items from which to choose. In addition to purchasing an insulated growler, there are stainless steel and vacuum beer growlers as well. Just imagine the look on your friend or family member’s face when they receive their own personalized growler! Remember that you can purchase one of these for yourself, too!
Do you already have your own stainless steel growler keg? While it’s always nice to receive a gift that you want, it’s also nice to receive a gift that you need, such as a keg cap tap. Just in case a keg cap tap gets misplaced, it’s always a good idea to have a few extra keg cap taps around the house or your outdoor entertainment area.
There’s so much more to learn about the different types of craft beer, whether it’s seasonable or available year-round. The next time you visit your local craft beer establishment, be sure to ask what’s on tap and try something new. When you discover your favorites, be sure to fill up those growlers so you can take them home to enjoy throughout the week with family and friends.