You’ve got a birthday or a well-wishing party coming up. You want to get creative with your gifts, but you’ve already crossed off a few items on your list. What other options do you have?
If the person in question likes to drink…you’re already good to go. Beer gifts are a fun and interesting way of showing someone you care, able to be paired with their favorite ale to create a unique present. Americans today enjoy a thriving drinking culture. Whether your friend is a fan of fruity martinis or prefers to crack open a light beer over dinner, beer gifts is a great way to show them you care. If you’re low on some ideas, never fear. There are more than enough clever and practical beer gifts to hit all your high notes.
Let’s take a look at some of the most popular beer gifts today.
Did You Know?
Throw a stone and you’ll hit someone that likes to drink. It’s estimated nearly 15% of Americans will drink beer once per week, making it one of the most popular beverages alongside coffee and tea. While wine reigns supreme (and has done so for quite some time), beer has followed close behind in second place. According to a Gallup poll back in 2016 nearly 45% of legal drinkers preferred beer variations over wine and spirits. The first thing you need to do on your way to the perfect beer gifts is figuring out what your friend or family member loves to drink.
The Popularity Of Independent Breweries
When you want to tap into something unique? Just turn to an independent brewery. The number of operating breweries in the United States grew by 15% back in 2015, totaling an impressive 4,200 breweries. That’s the most at any time in American history. Most beer in the country is produced domestically, with a series of studies estimating 85%, and does a major part in reflecting both social and food culture. The American craft beer market is worth a collective $24 billion.
Unique Health Benefits Of Alcohol
Too much alcohol can have a negative impact on your health. Moderate consumption, however, can actually be good for you. A glass of red wine multiple times per week has been found to lower blood pressure and provide healthy antioxidants, making it a popular supplement to dinner and evenings where you just need to wind down. Interestingly enough, alcohol consumption can even increase your daily activity. A 2001 study published by the National Institutes Of Health saw moderate drinkers being twice as likely to exercise as those who never drink.
Beer Containers And Their Function
You’re likely musing about the best gifts for beer lovers. Should you buy them a logo t-shirt of their favorite brand or offer them a six-pack of a new recipe at a local brewery? Sometimes it’s best to just go with what they know. Custom growlers embrace the unique taste of the individual in question and make it easier for them to carry large quantities. Do they like to party? Then a growler with tap is an essential carry-on for any event in need of a little extra liquid gold. The average American today will consume nearly 28 gallons of beer and cider every year.
Choosing A Beer Growler For Sale
It’s time to find the perfect beer gifts and create a present that won’t be forgotten. Growlers are just as classy as they are practical. They can be used to carry a little extra cider to that party you’ve been waiting for as well as used as decoration around the home. Today nearly 85% of craft beer consumers like to choose their beer depending on the season, so you can even take things a step further and get awesome growlers that reflect the summer or fall season in their design. Accessories include growler caps, taps and sleeves.
Need a good gift that’s decorative, useful and relevant to your friend’s interests? You’ve already nailed it.