The bench press. The fly. The bicep curl. The triceps raise. The squat.
Yes, these are all ways to breakdown muscle (hint: the word is breakdown not build-up). With increased weight, more than any individual or set of muscles can handle, the muscles break down. This is all a necessary part of muscle growth.
Many perceive what they eat to be important or enough for muscle growth. In fact, everyone seems focused on eating that perfect diet. However, the fundamentals of getting fit and muscle growth remain similar to how they were years now. Only now, we have science to show us what works and why.
If you start any bench press routine, what are some trainers going to say? They’ll focus on form–keeping your hands shoulder width apart–and they’ll talk about safety, which is be sure to not have the bar and weights fall on you. And then they’ll talk about the weight.
When starting off on a new bench press routine, it’s important to figure out what you can lift. Go slowly at first, then pick up the weight. Add more steadily. That way, muscles will break down. This is a critical part of the process. To get the best results, you’ll lift enough to cause your muscles to break down. You’ll know when you can only do one or two more reps.
Now. That’s over. Now comes the rebuilding process.
You need protein. You have one to two days in between weightlifting sessions. That’s why I’m here to talk about peanuts.
Peanuts gained their start in South America before spreading to all over the world. They’re malleable and variable. Think sandwiches, smoothies, bagels, and so forth. Peanuts have nutritional value, as you’re about to see.
Some quick peanut facts:
- A whole 90% of U.S. households consume peanut butter.
- The National Peanut Board states that it takes 540 peanuts to make one 12-ounce jar of peanut butter.
- Peanuts and peanut butter account for 67% of all nut consumption in the United States.
- Peanut butter must be 90% peanuts by law.
The nutritional value of raw peanuts remains significant, especially in this day and age where everyone seems to be stopping at McDonald’s. The dry roasted peanuts nutritional value is similarly effective. Let’s take a quick look.
Dry Roasted Peanuts nutrition facts:
Every one ounce of dry roasted peanuts has 14 grams of fat. That’s not necessarily a bad thing, as fat helps the body absorb vitamins, provides energy for endurance workouts, and more.
Every one ounce of dry roasted peanuts has only two grams of saturated fat. This is good, as saturated fat is linked to all sorts of ills, including high blood pressure and heart disease.
Another one of the dry roasted peanuts nutrition facts involves fiber. For every ounce, peanuts have two grams of fiber. The recommendation by the U.S. government is to get fiber grams in the teens. Fiber helps promote feelings of fullness and help with digestion.
Peanuts provide 15% of the Recommended Daily Intake of protein per serving.
Peanut nutrients include potassium, magnesium, and phosphorous. They are also rich in two types of Vitamin B–folate and choline.
As the dry roasted peanuts nutrition facts show, peanuts are perfect for a snack for someone trying to build up that muscle they broke down the day earlier. Lift hard. Eat peanuts. There are peanuts benefits for men and peanuts benefits or women.